Information for authors

General structure of the article
  • a Microsoft Word file
  • font: Times New Roman
  • 12-point type
  • all margins: 2 cm
  • interline: 1.5
  • text alignment: justified
  • pages numbered
  • no line numbering in the body of the manuscript
  • words division turned off
  • standard division into paragraphs (each new paragraph should be indented)
  • type only one space following the end of a sentence
  • maximum number of pages is 16 (including Tables, Figures and References)
  • sections/subsections of the paper not numbered.

Please submit your manuscript via our online submission system. Considering the double-blind peer review process principles, make sure that the submitted manuscript does not contain any identifying data such as authors’ names, institutions, acknowledgments, etc.

The manuscript blind file should include the main text with the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, References. Titles of the sections (not numbered): bold print, 13-point type, adjusting: to the left.

Introduction should be comprehensible to the general reader; give a clear statement of the aims or the purpose of the paper and formulate hypotheses (if any); provide a relevant context to support the basis for the paper and the significance of the work; do not exhaustively review the literature.

Methods provide a clear description of the study and how it was carried out; specifically describe the procedures and material used, so that the study can be replicated; the subsections, with brief content descriptions, in order, are:

Participants: describe the sample, i.e., how many participants, how they were recruited, provide basic demographics (age and SD, sex distribution, body mass and height, training experience, sports level, etc.); if submitted papers contain clinical and/or animal research, the Informed Consent and Human and Animal Rights statements are necessary (approval of a local ethics committee is required); please note that authors should follow the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki.

Measures: each subsection here should describe one questionnaire or interview or objective observation. Include details of the origin of the measure, the number of items and subscales, format of responses, scoring and known psychometric qualities.

Design and Procedures: explain how the experiment was carried out; who tested participants, where were they tested or observed, etc.

Statistical Analysis: describe the analyses applied to the data. It is helpful if you arrange this section to be coherent with the hypotheses.

Results: only the results relevant for the study aims and hypotheses should be presented; results should not contain material that is appropriate in the discussion; units, quantities, and formulas should be expressed according to the International System (SI units); all measurements should be given in metric units.

Discussion: emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and conclusions derived from the study.

References: the reference list should be prepared in accordance with the APA 7th Edition style:

Reference Guide for Journal Articles, Books, and Edited Book Chapters with APA 7th Style

  • all references listed must be cited in the manuscript and referred to by the author
  • references must be limited to 40 entries (except for reviews)
  • published abstracts must not be used as references; the use of a large number of abstracts or non peer reviewed articles in the reference section will be grounds for rejection of the submission without review
  • non-English papers may be included in the references, yet only if the publication has an English abstract; the title of the original paper must be provided in English only
  • authors bear complete responsibility for the accuracy of the references.

Additionally, please note that:
  • the reference citations in the main text need to be put in alphabetical order and if there are more than one within parentheses, they should be divided by a semicolon, i.e., (Author A, 2021; Author B and Author D, 2019; Author C et al., 2020)
  • the number of reference citations should be limited to 3–4 most significant ones in a single sentence.

Tables and Figures
  • do not place Tables and Figures in the main text, but submit them as separate files (each Table and Figure separately); in the text of the paper, indicate approximately where they should appear (e.g., insert Table 1 here);
  • all Tables and Figures should be cited in the main text first, in numerical order, and have a concise and editable caption (bold, adjusting: to the left); Tables/Figures may have a footer (in italics, center alignment);
  • Tables and Figures should be consecutively numbered (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1);
  • a manuscript may contain up to the total of 6 Tables and/or Figures; they all need to be formatted for the portrait orientation of pages;
  • the maximal size of original Tables, Photos and Figures is 14 x 20 cm, minimum 8-point type; edging lines marked;
  • Tables and Figures' pages should be formatted for the portrait orientation of pages; the JHK does not accept Tables and Figures on landscape;
  • Tables need to be created using the Table option of Microsoft Word, they cannot be converted into images as they need to be editable;
  • each Figure needs to be converted into one image, so that it can be only re-sized as a whole, not manipulated individually.

  • only manuscripts in English are considered;
  • before submitting an article, it may need to be edited for correct usage of the English language, particularly if English is not the first language of the authors. Please note, however, that this step is not mandatory and moreover, language editing does not guarantee that the manuscript will be accepted for publication.
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